Business Intelligence: BI is a set of processes, tools, technologies and methodologies that combine data from various data sources and make the single source of data available at right time so that timely, better informed and strategic decisions can be made. BI also provides different tools to quickly analyze the consolidated information in a variety of data presenting tools.

Advantage of Business Intelligence: Organizations always deal with multiple departments and these departments also deal with various applications to meet the department need. With this approach, an organization’s data is always segregated and maintained in heterogeneous sources. BI provides the way to handle this scattered data and help in strategic decision making. A BI provides a method to consolidate data from all available sources into a central repository in a consistent format, not only it help to business owners but other users as well with:

(1) Manage all type of risk well in advance

(2) Understand an organization’s current position and its position over a period of time

(3) Fact based strategic, informed decision making at the right time

(4) Find the problem areas and resolve them to improve the revenue

(5) Identify all selling opportunities, i.e. cross and up for the business

(6) Understanding customer behavior to serve them better and win more deals

(7) Understand customer segmentation, product analysis, cost, and operations improvements

BI benefits are not limited to the above list but it’s necessary to know how a BI system can become a game changer for any organization.

Business Intelligence: BI is not only a reporting system, although reporting is one of the important areas, which pulls data from a consolidated data repository or data warehouse, whereas BI is a platform and covers the data warehouse (data integration), analysis (OLAP), different ways of reporting (information delivery) and data mining (predictive analysis).

Data Warehouse Architecture

A Data Warehouse (DW) is the centralize database repository in which current and historical data gets consolidated from various heterogeneous data sources (i.e. Oracle, SAP, SQL Server, Flat File) in order to facilitate historical and trend analysis reporting. There are different methodologies for designing a data warehouse.

A Data Mart (DM) is a consolidation of data for one business area whereas a Data Warehouse is a collection of one or more Data Marts, providing a central data repository for the overall organization.

Once data is available in the DW or DM, information can be visualized by many ways like decision making reports, online queries, notifications, and predictive analysis and web users.

Predictive analysis or data mining is focused on predicting the future using mathematical analysis and based on identified trends or patterns available in the data warehouse. Typically, these patterns cannot be discovered by traditional data exploration because the relationships are too complex or because there is too much data.

Data Warehouse Design Methodology:

Data warehouse (DW) is a backbone for any BI system and is important for collecting, storing, and delivering decision support data for an organization.

Fundamentally, there are two approaches available to design a DW; Inmon’s “Top down” and Kimball’s “Bottom up” approach.

As per Inmon’s top-down approach, data should be integrated from various sources into a centralized repository (called a data warehouse). This approach provides a consistent dimensional view of data across data marts as all data marts are loaded from the centralized repository (Data Warehouse). This approach uses a normalized data model. Inmon envisions a data warehouse at the center of the “Corporate Information Factory”, which provides a logical framework for delivering BI, business analytic and business management capabilities.

As per Kimball’s bottom-up approach, data marts are first created to provide reporting and analytical capabilities for specific business processes and later on these data marts can eventually be union-ed together to create a comprehensive data warehouse. This approach is also known as dimensional modeling.

Most of the time business owners or technical officials get into the situation where they have to choose one approach as both approaches have their own pros and cons and set of parameters to know before it starts. The table below will give you more clarity to understand the approach and their differences.


Understanding BI Components and Data

Introduction: BI’s various components, architecture, data modeling, and its importance. Also, we’ll know in detail about Extract (E), Transform (T), and Load (L). BI is a platform or system that builds by combining multiple components together. These various components can form different technologies and tools. Before starting to develop any BI system, it’s important to know the various components in detail and solid architecture design for successful implementation.

Components of Business Intelligence: An architect should be very careful before starting to design and develop any BI solution. It’s equally important for an organization not only for decision making but also, at the same time, it demands a huge investment that may go badly if the right components and approaches are not considered or good design is not in place.

A BI system is all about data; first, identify the right data and sources; second, store and analyze the data to provide desired output; third, visualize the data as information using various ways such as reporting, online query, alerts, and so forth.

To support all three stages, there are various options available in the industry. All major players who influence the industry trends have great exposure in BI technology and related tools. Some of them are IBM, Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, and many more. Also, there are a couple of open source suites available to design and develop BI solutions.

To design a BI system, the selection of technology and tools is very important. You may choose either a complete suite from one technology like IBM, Oracle, or Microsoft, or you can go for hybrid tools where the data gathering tool can be part of a different technology suite from data analysis and data visualization.

Sometime, the consideration of technology and tools is completely situational. For instance, if you are building an end-to-end BI system from scratch, you need to think about technical feasibility, the available skill set, and, most importantly, the licensing cost with support. If you are building a BI solution on top of a legacy system, you may think about hybrid design and use the best available licensed or open source tool compatible with the legacy system.

In next section, we’ll discuss how these different BI components participate and interact with each other when building the system.

Architecture Design for a BI Solution: Architecture design plays a key role for any system implementation, but it’s more critical if you are working on BI solutions. As we talked, there are multiple components that interact with each other; if there is any gap, we may not get the required information and meet the objective.

It has three major layers: a Data Integration Layer, a Data Analysis Layer, and an Information Delivery Layer. These are detailed below.

Data Integration Layer: It collects data from various data sources using an ETL tool and stores the data in centralized data storage (Database) called Data Warehouse (DW) or Data Mart (DM). In Architecture, we don’t include the designing of DW or DM databases in detail, but consider design principles and patterns that are specialized parts of the DW systems, such as Source systems as staging/landing area, Data warehouse as backroom using normalized ERD, Data Mart as front room using dimension modeling, and an Analytical Cube with any one of the M/R/H OLAP methodologies. I’ll discuss more about M/R/H OLAP in the next article.

Data Analysis Layer: Once data is integrated and becomes a single source of truth, other analytical tools (OLAP Cube) can consume this data and build aggregations to provide decision support information.

Information Delivery or Data Distribution Layer: This is the important layer in a BI system; it gives a real insight of information and what exactly stakeholders want to see. It helps business users in decision making and more activities, such as exploring the information, slicing and dicing the data, sending alerts, and in predictive analysis. Any data visualization tool (reporting tools, MS-Excel) can consume data from OLAP Cube or integrated data sources (DW or DM), and offers an opportunity to understand the data and show the power of BI.

Data Modeling: Data modeling is an integral part of BI system designing. There are three basic types of data models available: Conceptual Data Model, Logical Data Model, and Physical Data Model.

Conceptual Data Model: This model represents the highest level of relationships between different entities. The audience of this data model is business owners, BA, and Architects.

Logical Data Model: It represents entities, attributes, and relationships involved in a business function and helps as the basis for the creation of the physical data model.

Physical Data Model: This represents an application and database-specific implementation of a logical data model and defines database objects.

Here is the comparative analysis:


In all of the models above, data are designed for a different level of audiences. Availability of these models is important for any DW or DM design and development.

Apart from these, database design of the Data warehouse and Data Mart should be well defined. It completely depends on methodology that is being used for development, Inmon or Kimball, or any other. But fundamentally, Inmon supports the 3rd normal form, which can be represented by an Entity-Relationship diagram and Kimball supports dimensional modeling, which is equally known as a star or snow flake design. Star or snow flake design is nothing but the representation of fact and dimension tables in a specific pattern. I’ll discuss all these terminologies in detail in the next article, along with OLAP methodologies.

Once a well-defined database design is in place, the next step would be extracting and loading the data from different or required data sources.

ETL: Extract, Transform, and Load: ETL is emerging terminology in the data world. It is used not only in BI implementation, but also at the same time is often used in all types of data migration or other data related activities, such as improving data quality, data profiling, and the like.

ETL is a combination of three activities: Data Extraction, Transformation (including cleansing), and Loading.

Data Extraction: In this, data can be consumed from various sources and loaded on a staging area for further processing. It is important to know that do we need to pull complete available data from the source or partial data. In the ETL world, this type of processing is known as Full pull and Delta pull.

If it is full pull, every time we need to pull all available data from the source. This is time consuming and may present other limitations, but if it is delta pull, we need to design ETL in such a way that whenever it pulls data from a source, it pulls only modified and newly entered data from the source. This is highly recommended, but depends on data availability at the source. There are various techniques to achieve all data pull scenarios, but these are out of scope for now.

So, Data Extraction is the activity that consumes data from a source and makes it available to next ETL process; for instance, Data Transformation.

Data Transformation: It is the intermediate stage of ETL it applies transformation on data available in the staging area according to business requirement. It is important to cleanse and transform your data in the required format before pushing it to its final destination (Target).

Data Loading: It is the last step of ETL. Once data is cleansed and transformed into the required format, it loads to a destination known as data warehouse or Data mart.

This DW or DM will become the single source of truth. Now, other components of the BI system can consume data from central repository.

There are lots of ETL tools available to achieve the objective. Some of them are IBM’s Data Stage, Microsoft’s SSIS, Informatica, and so forth. Also, we have many open source ETL tools, such as Pentaho and Talend, and more.

By Sunil Pandey

I am working on Software Testing and Data Ware-House Technologies for close to 4 years. I love the work which I do and at the same time try to share knowledge for others.

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