From Layoffs to R&D Budget cuts to disappointing flagship sales, finally the black clouds are moving away for Samsung as they started making some profit in this Quarter. Samsung had a tough time in last few quarters due to intense competition due to some new competitors registering their presence in the smart phone industry, players like Xiomi, OnePlus, Lenovo and Motorola, which really dented their business.
You might be surprise to know that this hardship has been going on for last seven quarters but finally Samsung announced yesterday that its Q3 2015 earnings guidance which predicts the first quarterly profit growth for the company in two years
According to the sales figures published by Samsung, the company’s operating profit was 7.2-7.4 trillion Korean won ($ 6.27 Billion) and Q3 2015 Sales were around 51 trillion Korean won ($43.8 billion). If these are figures are considered as final figures, it would mean that Samsung is back to profit growth after quite a few quarter. If the figure is compared with last year data the profit growth is 78% and revenue growth is about 8%. There are no such data available about what cause this sudden spike which can be seen when Samsung reveals these figures officially but it’s a good news for all Samsung fans out here. The Company makes great products and deserve good faith.
Source: Samsung Tomorrow