In the current society Google is playing a vital role. Starting from Internet Revolution to an affordable smart phone. Google has done a lot for current eco-system by giving us thinks like, Android, ChromeOS, Gmail, YouTube, Android Auto and many more. The specialty has been focused on the ease of User Adaptation. It has been believed that this was the main reason for Google’s success over the year. Now Google is closely working on smart phone which will give the users similar freedom with the hardware which they currently have with the software.
Have you ever thought about it? How fascinating it will be for the end users to design and decide what kind of hardware they need on their Smart Phones. Isn’t that amazing?
A highly qualified team at Google is working on it and it’s known as Project Ara. The main idea behind Project Ara is to give end users the freedom to choose their own hardware. This can be achieved by designing a module or skeleton that can hold hardware modules based on user’s choice such as a display, camera and battery. It will even allow them to swap out upgradable modules or malfunctioning modules which will increase the life cycle of the handset. This idea will indeed reduce the electronic waste, which will be a greater problem in coming days.
Project Ara smartphone will begin pilot testing in Puerto Rico later 2015 with a target bill of materials cost of $50 for a basic grey phone. Here is a video which represent Google’s Project Ara.