With the growing technologies in the market, the battle of personal voice assistants has been phenomenal. All market leaders are trying to register their presence. Google with Google Now, Apple with Siri and Microsoft with Cortana. We have news from Facebook too that they soon be joining the race with M.

Now the question arise that how much it is useful for day to day work? Initially the problems were that they were not understanding your native accent, but with recent changes in their AI (Artificial Intelligence), they recognize it more accurately.

While Siri and Google now has established their mark, Cortana it bit new, if compared with them. Cortana comes preinstalled with latest windows 10 and their android assistant just entered the beta phase in USA. If you are keen to use it, you can enter the beta tester program here

Google has also promised that the will be enhancing the user experience with their new Android flavor Marshmallow. Please do let us know in the comment section if you want more detailed review of them.


By Vivek Mishra

Hi Every one. My Name is Vivek Mishra. I have been in the system administrator profile for close to 8 years. I have hands on in various market leading technologies like Citrix, VmWare and Microsoft. My main intention on this website is to provide solution which comes helpful in performing our day to day activities. I am passionate about SmartPhones and love to explore their changing Eco-system.

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