Blogging and Posting is the new way of sharing information for various genius’s out there, but still it requires set of processes which are either complicated or tricky. The setup which are going to demonstrate will definitely make your job easier as a blogger or web admin. This will surely going to increase your productivity by giving you more time to innovate.
We are going to explore the option for WordPress configuration with windows live editor but in the similar fashion other type of web-services can also be configured. So let’s start J
1. The first step is to reach to the Microsoft site and download the windows essential 2012. You can also grab it from google drive here
2. Once you download the software, launch it and you will be presented with the option to either install all the components or choose selective contents.
3. For this demo, we will be using the option to choose the programs manually for installation. Now we will be given option to choose the program which we want to install. This occasion we will only be installing Windows Live Editor.
4. Once the installation is complete, go ahead and launch the program from Windows Start menu.
5. Once you launch the program, you will be presented with the configuration wizard. Here are the steps which you can follow for WordPress configuration.
6. After providing above details you can proceed with Next and you will notice that your details will be verified by the WordPress before presenting the final screen.
7. If you want to download the blog them you can chose the below option otherwise choose NO.
8. The final configuration screen will have the following or similar output.
9. Now you are all set to post directly to your WordPress Website without login to your WordPress Admin Panel. Another advantage is that Windows Live Writer also support direct copy and paste from word document along with keeping the existing formatting. (Note: When you want to copy a word document and paste it on Windows Live Writer, always use the PASTE SPECIAL option. That allows you to keep the exact same formatting)